Post route
Request a route for 2 or more coordinates (synchronously) It will return total distance and travel time as well as the geometry to plot it on a map.
Route Dto
The coordinates this request will use, coordinates as [{lon},{lat}] values, in decimal degrees.
Search for up to this many alternative routes. Please note that even if alternative routes are requested, a result cannot be guaranteed. (optional, default 0)
An array with strings of duration, nodes, distance, weight, datasources, speed (optional)
Keep waypoints on curb side. Can be null (unrestricted, default) or curb.
Limits the search to segments with given bearing in degrees towards true north in clockwise direction. Can be null or an array of [{value},{range}] with integer 0 .. 360,integer 0 .. 180.
Forces the route to keep going straight at waypoints and don't do a uturn even if it would be faster. Default value depends on the profile.
The departure time for which you want to calculate the route. This will take into account predictive travel time based on TomTom data.
Whether or not adds a Hint to the response which can be used in subsequent requests. (optional, default true)
Returned route geometry format (influences overview and per step). Can also be geojson. (optional, default polyline)
Hints for the coordinate snapping. Array of base64 encoded strings.
Add overview geometry either full, simplified according to highest zoom level it could be display on, or not at all (false). (optional, default simplified)
Limits the coordinate snapping to streets in the given radius in meters. Can be null double >= 0.
The vehicle type for which the table is requested
Return route steps for each route leg. (optional, default false)
The vehicle type for which the table is requested
Indices to coordinates to treat as waypoints. If not supplied, all coordinates are waypoints. Must include first and last coordinate index